CreateCustomerRequest body = new CreateCustomerRequest.Builder()
.thenAccept(result -> {
.exceptionally(exception -> {
System.out.println("Failed to make the request");
System.out.println(String.format("Exception: %s", exception.getMessage()));
return null;
This page will act as a place to provide consistent information to all clinicians.
How leads are handled
Sentinel Mental Health Inc distribution of leads are determined based on several factors, these factors are in order of importance, based on the following criteria:
1) Referrals - when a new client is a referral we look to the clinician who was referred first. This could be from Psychology Today, a Doctor, and existing client etc.
2) Availability - Clients tend to want the popular time slots 3-7, frequently, if you don't have these open 5 days a week (most of you don't work 5 days) then even if we have a referral to you, the new client referral may go to someone else. We see a lower frequency of appointments being requested outside these hours.
3) Scope - At Sentinel Mental Health we hope that each clinician will challenge themselves to expand their capacity but also understand that there are limitations in scope of practice including best fit. If your limitations and scope of practice do not have you in the position to take a lead we will distribute the lead to the next best option. We have a document that should be filled out with clinician preferences including age range, scope of practice, willingness to work with individuals that have family therapeutic needs, options on play therapy interventions, and LGBTQ+ Allied ect.
Note: If you are concerned about your schedule and number of appointments you may call Mike. :-)
Sentinel Mental Health Inc distribution of leads are determined based on several factors, these factors are in order of importance, based on the following criteria:
1) Referrals - when a new client is a referral we look to the clinician who was referred first. This could be from Psychology Today, a Doctor, and existing client etc.
2) Availability - Clients tend to want the popular time slots 3-7, frequently, if you don't have these open 5 days a week (most of you don't work 5 days) then even if we have a referral to you, the new client referral may go to someone else. We see a lower frequency of appointments being requested outside these hours.
3) Scope - At Sentinel Mental Health we hope that each clinician will challenge themselves to expand their capacity but also understand that there are limitations in scope of practice including best fit. If your limitations and scope of practice do not have you in the position to take a lead we will distribute the lead to the next best option. We have a document that should be filled out with clinician preferences including age range, scope of practice, willingness to work with individuals that have family therapeutic needs, options on play therapy interventions, and LGBTQ+ Allied ect.
Note: If you are concerned about your schedule and number of appointments you may call Mike. :-)